Academic Enrichment


The R.V. Daniels PTA is a proud supporter of the Annual RVD Spelling Bee! We work to make study guides accessible to our school community through the website, find sponsors, and provide volunteers during Bee Week. Learn more.

In an effort to promote literacy, the PTA presents Read-a-thon. Part fundraiser, part school-wide challenge, the Read-a-thon works to encourage a ; love of reading across the student body and keeps our readers motivated with lots of fun prizes! Learn more.

Clubs & Extracurriculars


We know that physical and mental health are linked. To encourage movement and regular exercise, the PTA is proud to support Mr. Cole as the sponsor of Morning Miles. Morning Miles meets every Friday morning at 8 AM on the track and students (and their grown ups) can gather for a few laps to start their day! Students earn special charms for each mile they complete to keep them encouraged and involved.

Teacher Appreciation & Support


Teaching is HARD! We get that!

The teachers at RVD are the best in the district and we work hard to support their efforts and recognize their expertise in childhood education. PTA volunteers happily provide occasional snacks, holiday meals, and goodies for our teachers. We are so grateful for our educators and administrators!

Family Events & Activities

The RVD PTA works to provide regular school wide, events to get families together and strengthen our school community! Check out our upcoming events and join us for the next one!